The Atlantic hurricane season begins from 1st June and persists until November 30th—in Massachusetts this shows up around late August and lasts through September. It’s estimated that the US incurs $28 billion in hurricane damages a year—it is expected to rise to $39 billion by 2075. While Massachusetts currently represents a very small portion of these costs, in a worst case scenario, it’s said that a hurricane along the coast could cost $72 billion worth of damage.
Most of these costs are associated with damages to infrastructure—particularly the electricity supply lines—leading to blackouts throughout the state. With these blackouts, you’d also very likely experience power surges and voltage fluctuations, which increase the risk of electrical fires or at the very least the risk of damaging your home wiring. Considering these risks, it’s probably a good idea to prepare for the storm season right now.
Some steps that all homeowners should take to mitigate the risks of electrical problems in Massachusetts include:
Install Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
You won’t know about a possible electrical fire in time if your smoke detectors aren’t operational or if you don’t have them installed at all. You should call in an electrician immediately to install detectors and make sure that the batteries are always charged so that you have some notice to contain a fire.
Install Power Surge Protection
Surge protection is an absolute must before and after a power outing because it can save your appliances from shorting throughout your home. Sometimes, right before damaged power lines fail or when power is restored, a large amount of current flows through the grids to fry out your electronics. A surge protector can divert this extra current or trip the circuit to stop the high voltage.
Invest in a Backup Generator
Power outages can be short-term or long-term but you shouldn’t risk waiting around for the power to show up in either case. If you have medical equipment at home or someone who requires medical attention, intermittent power outages or long-term blackouts will have devastating consequences.
You should definitely invest in a backup generator and buy enough fuel to keep it running—if you already have a generator, then get it checked for any problems. With that generator powering your home, there’s little that you’ll need to worry about during a blackout.
Need an Electrician in Wilmington, Massachusetts?
Integrity Electrical Services is a 24 hour emergency electrician service in Wilmington. We offer a wide range of services including electrical generator maintenance, electrical panel installations, home rewiring and much more. Get in touch with us today for more information on our services—we offer special discounts for veterans, senior citizens and the disabled.