Flickering Lighting Installation Bulbs – What Do They Indicate?

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Aside from being annoying, flickering light bulbs can sometimes be a cause for concern, indicative of bigger electrical problems that could cost you money or pose as a fire hazard.

Here are some common reasons behind flickering light bulbs:

A Loose Connection

The most common reason why your light bulb is flickering may be because it’s screwed in too loosely into its socket, causing it to periodically disconnect it from its power supply.

For most lights, this is a no-brainer. Just make sure to switch the light off before you attempt to tighten the bulb. Also put on a glove before you grasp it, because it’s likely to be hot. If the light still continues to flicker, your problem lies elsewhere.

Faulty Lighting Installation Switch

Other reasons why your incandescent light bulb is flickering may be contact problems, worn-out receptacles or bad filaments. These problems often occur as a result of wear-and-tear or faulty wiring inside the fixture.

Firstly, make sure that the cord plug isn’t the source of the bad electrical connection by making sure it’s in good shape and not loose in the electrical outlet. You can also troubleshoot the connections by toggling the switch; if the lights dim when you do this, it’s likely you have a bad switch, in which case you should consider hiring an electrician to closely inspect the faulty switch.

However, if the problem is the bulb’s filament, it’s relatively easy and cheap to simply replace the bulb.

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Voltage Fluctuation

If you notice your lights dimming briefly when high wattage appliances—such as refrigerator or microwave ovens—are turned on, this might be because the voltage in your home is fluctuating a lot. Simply put, this means that your electrical circuit is overloaded and there isn’t enough current available to power all the lights.

Recent electrical codes state that high demand appliances should be served by their own dedicated circuits. However, in older homes, it’s common for large appliances—like the dishwasher or refrigerator—to be served by the same circuits that serve your lighting fixtures, causing the lights to dim when these appliances kick in.

Another sign of frequent voltage fluctuation is if your lights frequently burn out.

While a little voltage fluctuation is normal, your home should be supplied with voltage between 115 and 125 volts. Consult with a professional electrician to check the voltage in your home with a device called voltmeter.

In case you use high wattage incandescent bulbs, your electrician might suggest replacing them with low-wattage LED bulbs that draw less power while providing the same illumination.

Contact a Licensed Electrician Today!

You may need to add more circuitsFlickering Lighting Installation Bulbs – What Do They Indicate? to your electrical system or get your wiring inspected for old and outdated wires. Our expert electricians are available at your beck and call to attend to any electrical emergency in Wilmington, MA. They’re not only specialized to repair, replace and install lighting fixtures, but they also make sure your electrical system is up to electrical code and hazard-free.

From lighting installation services wilmington to electrical repairs and smart home installations, we cover it all! Get in touch with us at 978.761.5978  for more information.